jom bobok!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

cinow ngotow!!

huz awie nim geram glew kott ngan 1 keta myvie silver DBJ 219*...huz!!!pengotow dol...pemusnah alam sekitaw...kjadian nie berlaku kat tapik like dpn tu lampoo isyarat merah...ketaw myvie nim potom line as...aku tbe2 dye bukap cermin kewenta toose den dye buwam pembalut frenchfries kfc...aku kira objek besaw too utk dibuwam dr kereta...den aku cam kedepan nux dihalam oles adik2ku...pastu tgk dye buwam lgi kertas kecik..den buwam lagi plastik den buwam lagi kertas...aku cam dh arggghhhhh!! glew kowp amarah ku terus membuka cermin kewenta ku dan mengeluarkan kepala direct suaraku dilantamkam "woooooiiii buwam sampah lam tom sampah as siot""...cinow batop tu pom cam pandam xpandam sambil tersenges2 muka cover maloo...haaa taw pom maluuu...huz!!...gewam thp maxima kowp owam mcm nie...dustlah berok xreti basos...buwam sampas mrata2 ploit toose...mencemarkan serambi MEKAH jerk..dustlah terkenal ngan bandaraya yam kotow...dikotowkan lg oles sampas2 cinow nim..huz!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

banjew oo00o banjew nek aiiiww ooo...

5thn stgh dust duk xpernah lah balex kaybe lam keadaan banjir yam dpt membuatku menanges seowam diwie didalam keweta vios DBL 2080...hahaha klakaw kan...bukannya apee...aku nanges as bab aku dust laz kecip bwk plakx kewenta vios...kekgi dibuwat nyuz mampoz kewenta tu camnew lah aku nux tolap...tapii alhamdulillah selamat sampai kaybe walaupom amex masa yam lamaa...hehew!! skrum isaw plakx camnew nux balex tranum...owh N00ooo!!!...camnew nim...mengikup ramalan cuaca sabtu nie laz ujam tanpa henti...arap2 cam tu as...bab keadaan kat unisza glew babe..xpernah2 aku tgk steruk nim...

haaa teruk kam banjew kali nim..biasa kat jalan2 utama..aiw xdewlah camni...tringap plakx kat umaz dato usof nor duloo terpaksa mengharungi air taipwritter dipagi awie...n now terpaksa mengharungi aiw gakx tp yam lebey timgi paras aiw nyuz...klu uwam normal kap paras lutot...klu aku meb parasbuku lali jer kowp..hahaha..

ooooppp batt dust low nim...malaz nux charge...len kali lah plakx eak aku upload gambaw unisza yam dilanda banjew nim...doa kan gue slamat sampai ke tranum...amiin..

Thursday, January 6, 2011

sand and stone

A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand: "TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE."

They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one, who had been slapped, got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After the friend recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone: "TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE."

The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?"

The other friend replied: "When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it."

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bibik kelakar !!

hawkahwkawk entry kali nim lawak sikit dol.its abt a bibik.Nama dia Mujoroah ( im nt sure da spellin; but used to call her loike dat way lar ), tai bile komem ngan cuanim. beta panggel Mujarab ro as hawkawkawk. btw cuani is my auntie yang mengadopt bibik neyh..( mengadopt troosss )..dulo dyea pernah jadey bibik mak lam kooh ,skam berpindust majikam laen plop hawkahwk..........

bibik neyh kayyaberg memang giler2 gue ckp sama loo..dari dulo sampay sekaram *peacork memam xley lari .(* suwoh laen bwat laen).kemarem cuanim suwoh die buwat Tea O.bibik neyh g slowkan tv .hawkahwkahwk..lari trackk trosss...verngumme larr hamm.pecas pewop koo mendengar nyustt...

ader lagi neyh, arituh chuman suwoh die bwat kopi. cuman niey husband cuanim..pastuh bibik neyh suke jerkk.rupernyust x kesampayan arahan yang diberikan kepada bibik ituh,then cuman pun pergi lar buat air kopi kat dapur.pastuh bibik ckp " pak! mao kopi bilang saja sama akoo" hawkahwkahwka bilang saja bila kaoo mahooo....kheppoq lar hamm...

dye memam rajem wat keje sampay penyapuh punyer buloo semua da hilang gagagagga!~..tiap2 hari basoh penyapuh..kayya! hawahwkahwk...

hankey larr ...i'm going' to be a sleepim beauty gurl neyh.wakto skang 3.05pm hohow tido sbelom asar enggak apa apa kamm?? wheeeeee...ZZZzzzz

SeKolah Kembalieyy!~

whheeee ariniey pegi dftar adikko ke sekolah. aiyooo ve to get up early in da murnin' n took bath ..whooaaaa da water was really coldstah eventhgh i was in hot watarrr..gagagga...

sesampay jerk di sekolah need to meet PKHEM, ahakss it was long long long long n ablongg tyme no hear PKHEM u noe bcoz da lama kan tinggal sekola...kheepooq!.
masok2 jerk jumper cikgu PKHEM ni cikgu tu ckp mcm niey " sy rasa mcm kenal jerk awk ni yg suke ketawa niey " ngehsngehss .xtually cikdu Razali tiduck mengajar pun koo duloo tapi dirikoo memam pemes tyme sekola duloo ...( wohooo sekali sekali nuck jugop jadi pemes cam Dato' ct kam...kat sekolah pomm..layann je laaa ) =P..

koo lagi tergelak terbekah bekah ( terbekah bekah or terbahap bahap, it's up to u guys to overcume dis words, i dunt care ngekss!) bila cikdu razali tnya nie adik ke anuck? hawkahwkahwkawk.....cikdu niey pom eyss.i pom jawat, adik laa cikduu. i sambom lag ..kalo sy da ada anuck, kire sy da kawen r ..seronuckkk!! gagagagagaggagaga....hilarioustahh!!

hohow cikdu niey c up tunjup lagiey kela adikko kat manerr...tapi mak cip yang lepas hakoo tuh ,cikdu tuh tak tunjuk pomm kelass...hawkahwkahwk adooyaii cikduu pom mentam mentam i ckp x kawen lagey..toinkk!~

paperpom tima kaseh cikdu tunjop kelass...whoaaa!~...